Certificates of Completion and Letters of Merit
How can I request a Certificate of Completion and/or a Letter of Merit for my Students?
A Certificate of Completion is awarded to all Students and Instructors who satisfactorily complete a Cisco Networking Academy®
course. This is indicated by a “complete” marked in the Cisco® NetSpace
grade book for the relevant course. A certificate of completion is not
the same as a Cisco certification.
A Letter of Merit is a letter signed by Cisco CEO John Chambers that
is awarded to Students and Instructors who score 75 % or above on their
course final exam to acknowledge the excellence they have achieved.
Instructors can request, print and sign the certificates of
completion and letters of merit for their eligible Students, for active
courses and for concluded courses. They can do so for the entire class
or for each Student individually.
Please Note:
A) Eligible Students can also download their own Certificates or
Letters from their Student Profile, accessible by clicking on the link
of their name at the top of any page once logged in to Cisco NetSpace.
B) In order for the name of the Instructor to appear on the Student’s
certificate, the Instructor must request the certificate first. If a
Student requests their certificate before the Instructor does it, then
the name of the Instructor will not appear on the certificate.
To request Certificates and/or Letters for one Student, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to Cisco NetSpace at https://www.netacad.com
- From the ‘NetSpace Home’ page and the ‘Teach’ tab, click the 'Gear'
icon located next to the course name. (For a concluded course, click on
the ‘ShowConcluded’ button above ‘Actions’)
- Scroll down to the ‘Enrolled Students’ section
- Locate the name of the Student who needs a Certificate and/or Letter
- Click the ‘Actions’ button found under the ‘Certificates/Letters’ column
- Select ‘Get Certificate’ to print the Certificate of Completion for
the Student and/or select ‘Get Letter’ to print the Letter of Merit for
the Student
To request Certificates and/or Letters for your entire class, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to Cisco NetSpace at https://www.netacad.com
- From the ‘NetSpace Home’ page and the ‘Teach’ tab, click the 'Gear'
icon located next to the course name. (For a concluded course, click on
the ‘Show Concluded’ button above ‘Actions’)
- Scroll down to the ‘Enrolled Students’ section
- Right above it, click on the ‘Get All Certificates’ or ‘Get All Letters’ button
- Read the confirmation message
- Click ‘OK’
- The following message will appear at the top of the page: ‘Thank you
for submitting your request. You will receive an email within one hour
when the file is ready’
- The ‘Get All Certificates’ button will disappear and the following
message will replace it: ‘Your request for certificates is submitted.’
You will receive an email within an hour informing you that the file
is now ready for download and will be available for 30 days in your
Course Management page.
- To download the file, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to Cisco NetSpace at https://www.netacad.com
- From the ‘NetSpace Home’ page and the ‘Teach’ tab, click the 'Gear' icon located next to the course name
- Scroll down to the ‘Enrolled Students’ section
- Just above it, click on the link of the file name next to the ‘Get
All Certificates’ or ‘Get All Letters’ button. The date and time of the
request appears next to the file name
- Choose a location to download and save the zip file
- Open the zip file. You will see one pdf document per Student
To view detailed information on the Certificates of Completion and
Letters of Merit that are available to qualified Cisco Networking Academy® Students and Instructors, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to Cisco NetSpace at https://www.netacad.com
- From the 'Offerings' menu, click 'All Resources'
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'More' link
- Click the 'FAQs and Tutorials' link
- Click the 'Certificates and Letters FAQ' link
- Click on ‘Download’ to view the FAQs that provide detailed information about Certificates of Completion and Letters of Merit